Isaiah 55:8-9


Matthew 6:8; Jeremiah 29:11


Dear Heavenly Father,

When my young family and friends helped prepare for the very first service of CUMC I wondered if anyone would come. I hoped enough people would come to fill at least half of the folding chairs we set up in the College Station Junior High cafeteria. That Sunday morning, I was amazed as more and more people kept coming. The room was overflowing with over four hundred people, every chair filled, people standing in the back, parents chasing their children down the halls.

While painting the walls in the Children’s wing of “Big House” for the launch of a new “School for Little People” I thought, “Would a preschool run by our church be sustainable?”  I thought it was a great idea. I just wondered if we could really do it. As countless lives over many years have now been touched through this beautiful children’s ministry, fast forward to this fall. “Christ Faith Academy” will open for kindergarten and first grade at a time when our children need to be surrounded by Your love and truth more than ever.

Throughout my life’s ups and downs, times of confusion, change, and new beginnings, You sent me prayer warriors from our church, renewed old friendships, and created meaningful bonds with faith-filled Christians I’d never even met before in my small group.

You know exactly what I need. You know exactly what we need. We need You.

Forgive me when I begin to depend on my own thoughts instead of surrendering to your perfect will. You show us again and again that You will use our church to further your kingdom. Thank you, Father, for being such a good, good God. As our church begins yet another journey, let us always seek You first.

In Jesus’ name,
