WE are christ church

WE ARE CHRIST CHURCH! That is our declaration. We are a people who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly for the sake of making disciples who make disciples.

We Are Christ Church

“God is doing a new thing among us. A new name, denomination, and campus layout. And now we find ourselves in a new and exciting season of ministry as a part of the new Global Methodist Church denomination. We have, no doubt, been a people who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly.”

We believe that every Christ-follower should be meaningfully connected to a local body! Jesus delivered and redeemed us for His glory, and He has adopted us into His family for the joy of knowing Him and making Him known. The good news of Jesus transforms our hearts, our motives and our everyday life rhythms. Take at look at the links below and let us know how we can help you get connected to Christ Church in a meaningful way. We are so glad that you are here!


Small Groups


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