VBS 2024

VBS is quickly approaching! Check out the video and the options below for ways you can help make this huge outreach event a success.

Donate Today!

Each year, a tremendous amount of children participate in Vacation Bible School at Christ Church. With so many in attendance, it will take a boatload of supplies to make it happen! Check out this list of supply needs or donate monetarily to help make this event happen!

Volunteer or Register Here!

Want to be a part of VBS this year?

We’d love to have you! Click here to sign up.

VBS Work Days

If you’d like to help with VBS, but aren’t available during the event itself – we’d be so grateful to have your help on our remaining workdays.

June 1st (10am-12pm)
June 5th (9-12pm) *if needed
June 10th-June 14th (9:30am-12:30pm)
June 16th (2pm-8pm) for Set-up Sunday

Childcare is also availble through sign-up or via email to [email protected]

Particpant t-shirt orders

Click here to order your VBS t-shirt! Please note that volunteers receive a complimentary shirt as a thank-you for helping make VBS a success!