Jenna Lawrence
Jenna Lawerence grew up in San Angelo, Texas and came to know Christ when she was 11 years old. She was attending VBS at her church, and on this particular day, the pastor shared the story of the gospel and salvation through Christ alone, which was a story she was very familiar with. However, on this occasion, it all clicked. She understood and was humbled by her own sin and recognized that the punishment for sin was death. She understood her need for a Savior and how Jesus was that Savior. She trusted Christ as her Lord and Savior and was baptized in the church shortly after.

God has shown her such a warm community at Christ Church! She experiences the love of Christ through the church body and she loves worshiping in our breathtaking sanctuary! She is passionate about Walt Disney World and she loves to run, travel and spend time with her family.

Fun Fact: I worked at Walt Disney World as part of the College Program when I was in college.