Marriage and Family

The purpose of the Marriage & Family Center is to equip, enrich, and restore marriages and families through our various groups, programs, and events. We believe that a healthy, Christ-centered marriage is the foundation of a thriving family. This ministry seeks to pour into you, your marriage, and your family, by helping you grow in your relationships with each other and with Christ.


One of our core values as a church is that God designed the family as the primary place for faith and character formation. These Family Season tools are designed to inspire, equip, and assist you to become intentional about taking simple steps toward creating a God-honoring home. All of these tools are available for pick-up in our Christ@Home Center with Christ Church specific resources on each tool. To access all the digital tools on Love and Marriage, Parenting, Special Situations and Family Intentionality click the link below:

Faith Path

The Faith Path strategy is designed to help you develop a clear plan to intentionally point your child toward Christ in an age-appropriate manner. We hope that you are naturally exposing your child to many of these faith practices from an early age. The Faith Path recommends focusing on particular practices or preparing for certain milestones at specific ages and stages.  We will send you an email at your child’s birthday with a link to the online training, resources, and ideas to help you guide your child along the path. You can also stop by the Christ@Home Center to pick-up your printed Faith Path kit with all the tools ready to use.


Re|engage is a 16-week long marriage enrichment program for married couples of all ages and stages of life. Whether you rate your marriage as a 2 or a 10, re|engage is a safe place for you to come and strengthen your relationship with your spouse and with Christ.
For more information, please email Hillary Oswald,
Director of Marriage & Family Center